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  1. Acceptance of credit and debit cards in office.
  2. Deeds online for public viewing back to 1967. This work will continue until we have all of them online.
  3. F.A.N.S – Filing Activity Notification System for our citizens to be alerted when someone files something against their name in our Real Estate Division.
  4. Started a mail in renewal process for Notary Renewals. This helps those who cannot take off work to get this done. They can now be mailed in.
  5. Public Web Case Search – to search all public records in our criminal and traffic divisions.
  6. Move from paper court minute books to electronic minute books. This allows for all court minutes to be accessible from our real estate search program.
  7. Started our own, more informative and intuitive website.
  8. Moved to an online system for jury notification (text) and juror information sheets are all completed online prior to arrival. This helps with efficiency of the Court.
  9. Citation imports from ECSO and GSP. Data entry and human error have decreased, leading to more timely and efficient records.
  10. Preservation, Imaging and Indexing of our oldest records. We have secured the first records of our county dating back to the late 1700’s.


Each of these projects, except #10, have all been done at NO COST to taxpayers. Item #10 was done in partnership with the Effingham County Board of Commission. As the official records keeper of the County, I stand to continue to work on preservation and imaging of all county land and court records!

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